Wednesday 22 August 2012

Room 10 Dojo

This is room 10s dojo. we use this to keep track of our behavior. If we are good we get a point and if we are bad we get a point taken off. If by friday we have a positive dojo with no negatives we get a class treat.

Room10 Cave Drawing

Yesterday we hade a go at cave drawing. It was the earliest way to communicate, they drew stories about what they saw. This is Hamish  drawing his story about an animal. First we stained our paper to have a cave like effect. When they had dried we used charcoal to create a dark shadow.

Monday 6 August 2012


This it Janet Frame's typewriter it was fun to learn the history behind this piece of history behind the glass.

Sunday 5 August 2012


Room 10 has been brushing up on their gymnastic skills today. Miss Rapson has also been getting involved and showing us how it's done. Today we practised our forward rolls and balancing. Here is Eila, Bronte, Petra and Emma-Kate showing their skills

Thursday 2 August 2012

Today in Room 10, we did four different modules, Music, NZ the facts, Electronics and French. This is Miss Christainsen teaching us about the first shipment of meat from Totara to Dunedin, then was sent over to Britain to be sold for up to 4 times the price that it was sold in New Zealand.

Electronics run wild

Today in Room 10  we had a go at morse code. Noisy but fun!